So, Covid happened and what a turmoil this has been for all of us. For most of us, our lives have changed; for some more than others and we are still busy adjusting to our new lives and schedules. There have been so many disruptions. Things are still up in the air with a sense of uncertainty as this is new territory. This has been such a stressful time and has left many of us feeling exhausted. There may even be a sense of loss. The body needs to reset and recharge.
We live in a noisy toxic world with more chemicals and pollution than ever before. Stress and anxiety are high and more stress has been generated by the pandemic. Maybe you were already struggling with other challenges in your life ? We lead busy lives trying to juggle it all as we feel the need to keep going… often ignoring that inner voice within us asking us to “please press the pause button and rest for a while”.
We act like superheroes forgetting we are human beings. Action is required yet equally rest and recuperation is key for our wellbeing and that of others around us so we can carry on offering support without feeling depleted. How often do we stop and pause ?
Being in a state of high alert and continual tension can be a trigger for chronic fatigue and burnout. Our immune system weakens making us more susceptible to catch a cold or other viruses. The cells in our body need to repair and rebuild themselves. Two of the key ingredients needed are Oxygen and Rest.
If you are suffering from long Covid symptoms, or simply feeling lost, worried, stressed, or tired, your body is trying to talk to you. You need to slow down, rest and recharge. The mind can be bossy telling us to keep going…We, the mind, just need to allow this without feeling guilty. To detox and rest mind & body is not a luxury but is a must for our wellbeing.
Stress gets stuck in our bodies. We need to learn to release and let go at some point. There is a difference between proper rest and sleep. A lot of us suffer from sleep issues and if you are lucky to fall asleep at night, how often do you wake up in the morning not feeling refreshed ? To preserve our health and thrive, we need to listen. Plan some “Me time” and allow your nervous system to be soothed and nurtured. Allow for all tensions to melt away from your body.
This means no television, phone, or other gadget. No stimulus or distraction. Just to be by ourselves for ourselves in silence. I know this can sound scary but believe me, it is well worth it. It feels like bliss. Your body and mind will thank you for it. Rest & restore. Offer your body and mind what it needs. You may want to indulge in a bath or a walk in nature. Drink water. Do some gentle breathing and restorative yoga exercises.
The aim of Somatics and restorative yoga is to offer a nourishing, soothing practice to calm the nervous system down. We learn to switch from a fight and flight mode to rest and digest mode. I encourage students to listen to their bodies and reconnect within. If this is new to you, it is best to practice in a group with a teacher to guide you.
Should you wish to explore further, I am offering you the opportunity to do just that. I run weekly classes and offer workshops. Somatics or restorative yoga workshops to let go of everything to unwind, relax, reset, restore, rebalance. Check out You can attend In person or online.
All welcome. No previous experience necessary. Somatics offers a mix of gentle movements and breathing. Most of it is done on the floor. All you need is a quiet space, a comfortable exercise mat, a small cushion and a blanket. Restorative yoga uses props like bolsters, pillows, blankets… to allow the body to feel fully supported and let go.
When you take time to take care of yourself, this is an act of love and kindness towards yourself and others as when you feel refreshed and restored, calm and happy, you are in a much better place to assist others around you. Here is what some of my clients said afterwards:
“I have never felt anything like this. I found my first experience with Somatics to be wonderful and am still feeling fantastic; It brought a connection between my mind and body that I have not experienced before, and one that I wish to explore further!”
“Amazing, I feel relaxed and grounded. I breathe easier”. “I feel a sense of inner calm”
To book a class or a workshop, simply email You can also sign up for the newsletter to be kept informed of our yoga somatics classes and workshops and follow me on Instagram or Facebook for yoga tips, fun and wisdom.